Nordre Toldbod in Copenhagen harbor
The Toldboden consists of several buildings and we are lucky to have the slate from the arcade building which in
1856 was built inside the gates to accommodate customs premises, telegraph station and provisioning station.
Nordre Toldbod has throughout history been the place where foreign princes and heads of state have been received
if they arrived by ship to Copenhagen. It was also here that the famous Danish sculptur Thorvaldsen was received
on his return from Italy in 1838.
Tuesbøl Østergård
This slate originates from a farmhouse in the southern part of Jutland in the town Brørup. The farmhouse was
in 1879 and is now declared “worthy of preservation”. It was designed by the well-known architect Peder Holden
Hansen (1812) – also a famous carpenter, bricklayer and joiner. A characteristic signature of Holden Hansen’s
the symmetrical placed entrance with classical pilasters surrounding it as well as regularly placed windows. All
all he made more than 40 of these characteristic buildings in this area.
Godthaab Hammerværk
The slate originates from Godthaab Hammerværk in Aalborg. From 1854 to 1970 various tools were manufactured
here. During the the first many years this was done using a hammer driven by water power from a small stream -
this is the reason for the name 'Hammerværk', meaning hammer workshop.
Horsens State Prison
The slate comes from the four towers of the now abandoned Horsens State Prison. The prison was opened in 1853
and was on 8th of November 1892 scene of the last beheading in Denmark in peacetime. It was Jens Nielsen who was
executed. He had a violent hatred of the authorities, and his only desire was to die by capital punishment. In
prison he attacked prison officers on 3 occasions in order to be punished. After the third assault he succeeded
in his venture, and Denmark's last active executioner Theodor Seistrup could raise the axe over his neck. On
this very day capital punishment, a gruesome chapter in Danish history was brought to an end.
Sdr. Bjert Church
This slate comes from the church in Sdr. Bjert Kirke near Kolding. The roof was laid in 1862 on a tower with
four white hips as done on many churches in southern Jutland. In 1864 however, as southern Jutland became
german, the parish remained danish along side eight other parishes. Now the old slate roof serves as desktop in
the Rübners slate tables.
Rossvang near Kolding
Origins from the property Rossvang near Kolding. The main building was built in 1884 near the old German border
(2½ miles from Kolding). From the fields there is a beautiful view of the surrounding countryside. It is said
the farm was often visited by tramps who at some time should have burnt down the place – but who knows? After
the great storm in 1999 the beautiful old slate roof had to be changed. The old slate tiles are now re-used in a
series of Rübner Slate tables.
Tandslet Skole
The school in Tandslet, on the isle of Als, was build in 1888. Starting with two classrooms and a nearby house
for the teacher, the frame for the continuation of the school was made. According to Hans Lyk Drejby the
original school burned down as the grandfather of Jørgen Jacobsens to Randsbjerg was trying to catch sparrows.
The school later moved to other buildings, whereas the old slate roof now serves as desktop in the Rübners slate
Holsted Særmarks Pogeskole
In 1877 a new school was built in Holsted. The railway had opened in 1874 and fuelled new growth in the region
and reclamation of the heath fields. The main schools in the Føvling-Holsted district were overcrowded and as a
result a new school for children up until the age of 12 years was build. Inauguration took place on September
7th, 1878 with Peder Chr. Frandsen as the new teacher. The original slate roof has now been replaced and the
unique slate tiles are being used in the present line of Rübner slate tables.
Orchard near Vejle
The slate we use from Vejle comes from the overseers house of a large orchard.
The orchard was situated close to the old mill in Vejle which rises high over the city as a landmark.
The house was built in 1900 and the slate roof was removed in 2008 after more than a century.
Farm from Søst in South Jutland
The farm dates back to 1906 and is built in a lovely scenic area near Søst (close to Rødekro in South Jutland).
It was originally a self-sufficient farm with land and stables for livestock.
The slate tables produced now are made from slate originating from the house Captain Libjerg built at the brink
of Haderslev inlet in 1903. While Captain Libjerg was still active he was in charge of the maiden voyages of the
new ships of EAC (The East Asiatic Company Ltd.). In the garden of the house a flag pole was erected from which
captain Libjerg could salute the ships going in and out of the narrow inlet.
Sct. Michaels Kirke Kolding
Pastor Clemens Storp kom til Kolding i 1882 hvor hans første katolske messer blev afholdt. Sct. Michaels Kirke
blev bygget med økonomisk hjælp enkelte katolske familier i Kolding og fra udlandet og blev indviet d. 6.
december 1885.